
Display floor plan and property information easier and faster than ever. Get started with Rent Fetch today.



Manual management of floor plans and/or properties on unlimited sites

Create single floor plan & property pages

Easily display with shortcode


sync 1 property

Automatically display floor plans with automated pricing & availability

Integrations: Yardi RentCafe, Rent Manager, Entrata, RealPage, & AppFolio

Guest card integration (available with certain PMSs)


up to 5 properties

Automatically display floor plans with automated pricing & availability

Integrations: Yardi RentCafe, Rent Manager, Entrata, RealPage, & AppFolio

Guest card integration (available with certain PMSs)


up to 10 properties

Automatically display floor plans with automated pricing & availability

Integrations: Yardi RentCafe, Rent Manager, Entrata, RealPage, & AppFolio

Guest card integration (available with certain PMSs)


up to 20 properties

Automatically display floor plans with automated pricing & availability

Integrations: Yardi RentCafe, Rent Manager, Entrata, RealPage, & AppFolio

Guest card integration (available with certain PMSs)

21+ properties?

Contact Us

Automatically display floor plans with automated pricing & availability

Integrations: Yardi RentCafe, Rent Manager, Entrata, RealPage, & AppFolio

Guest card integration (available with certain PMSs)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Rent Fetch integrate with multiple PMS providers? Example: if we have 20 properties using Realpage and 20 using Yardi RentCafe?

Yes, Rent Fetch can sync with multiple data sources, and you can even manually manage some properties and sync others! Please note that the various PMS providers sometimes provide different information through their APIs.

Can we customize the look and design of the floor plans and information shown?

Short answer: yes. Anything is possible! Properties and floorplans are synched to your WordPress site as custom content types, so you can customize the output of those fully, and we provide lots of hooks and filters for developers to interact with.

Please note that significant customizations may involve custom development work which is outside of the scope of the plugin licensing costs. Contact us for an estimate on any custom design requests and we’d be happy to chat.

What information is pulled over via the API?

This varies by the partner’s API and the information that the company provides. Our team will be in touch with specific information per Property Management Software on what data (if any) you may need to input manually.

Do all PMS’s have an API?

No, not all PMS’s have an API available that we can integrate with, in which case we can offer to manage the properties and floor plan data manually.

Can some information be handled manually even if we’re integrating with an API?

Yes! You can manually control certain fields and have other fields such as the pricing and sq ft. be dynamic.

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